发表于 2007-1-27 19:34:17
here we are stuck by this river 在这里,我们被河流挡住无法向前
you and i underneath a sky 你和我孤立在天幕下
that's ever falling down down down 那曾经坠落的天幕
ever falling down 曾经坠落
through the day as if on an ocean 穿过渺如烟海的岁月
waiting here always failing to remember 在等待中忘记去回想
why we came came came 我们为什么来到这里
i wonder why we came 我想知道,我们为什么来到这里
you talk to me as if from a distance 你在耳边的轻语,像来自远方
and i reply with impressions chosen 我用撷取的意象来回答
from another time time time 来自另一时间的意象
from another time. 来自另外的时间 |